Church community is essential to having a thriving faith.

Join us as we are building a core team right now!

Today’s world is driven by tools and conveniences that feed an individualistic lifestyle. But we were created for connection. In Jesus we find connection to God and each other. You are welcome here.

How we connect

Our aim is to be a church community on mission. This means spending time together more than one hour a week on a Sunday. Here is our vision on how we will stay connected.

Sunday Gathering

We meet every Sunday at 10am at the Wegmans in Lancaster, PA

We invest an hour:

  • Seeking God in prayer

  • Learning from Scripture

  • Sharing a light meal together

    We don’t have a traditional church building. As a church plant, we look at this as an opportunity to meet in a public space to catch the vision of being a church on mission.

Mid-Week Gathering

We are establishing a mid-week gathering that takes place in our homes across the Lancaster area. We gather to have dinner, connect, pray for one another, encourage one another, and praise Jesus. The location will rotate as each person decides to host. This gives us an opportunity to gather in each other’s homes just like friends or family would do. As we grow, we will establish more of these “small groups” and view them as a launching pad to advance the kingdom in your neighborhood.

Building Rhythms and Relationships

We all have busy schedules. Most work during the day. We have family commitments, errands, appointments. We don’t want to just add another “thing” to your schedule. Instead, we want to establish weekly rhythms that inject the mission in daily life. Mission should be in the DNA of our every-day life, not an event on a calendar.